Our Graduates
Begin your journey

About Laidlaw

Nau mai Haere mai ki tēnei Kāreti. Ko Te Rongopai te tūāpapa.

Laidlaw College is the largest interdenominational theological tertiary institute in Aotearoa New Zealand, offering qualifications from certificate to doctoral level, in the areas of theology and biblical studies, mission, ministry, counselling and teacher education. We provide a dynamic learning environment for students throughout Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world, with two campuses in Auckland, one in Christchurch and great distance learning opportunities too.

Laidlaw College has at its core a deep commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ to which the Bible bears witness and to an encounter with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as we learn together. Our programmes are shaped by rigorous scholarship and research and bridge the gap between faithful reflection on God and a deep engagement with the world.

College life is relational and community oriented and we are committed to seeing our students flourish academically, socially and through encounter with God and others. Our College reflects and celebrates the cultural diversity of Aotearoa New Zealand and its bicultural heritage.

Come and join us – we’d love to welcome you into the Laidlaw community.

Sam’s Story

Jess and Tinae’s Stories

Jacque’s Story

Lorraine’s Story

Our Graduates

Mikkah’s Story

Begin your journey

Contact Henderson Campus

3 Smythe Road
Private Bag 93104
Auckland 0650
New Zealand
+64 9 836 7800 or 0800 999 777

Contact Christchurch Campus

70 Condell Avenue
Christchurch 8053
New Zealand
+64 3 354 4270 or 0800 999 777