23 March 2020
A Message from Olive Shoots
E ngā whanau, tēnā koutou,
With the Prime Minister’s announcement regarding COVID-19 today, Olive Shoots will be closing this Wednesday at 5pm for at least four weeks and perhaps longer.
Children who would normally be in on Tuesday and Wednesday are welcome to come in, but we understand that many of you might want to spend the time as a family. If you are intending to keep your child off, please let us know by email.
The wellbeing of your tamariki and whānau is our highest priority. Please let us know if you or your child becomes sick in the coming weeks.
We will be in touch, and will let you know as soon as we know when we are able to reopen. We love having you all in our Olive Shoots family.
To contact us during the shutdown, please email
May you know the perfect love of Jesus that drives out all fear this time.
Ngā mihi nui,
Pearl Thorp