Creating Spaces
Counselling Workshop

Creativity can foster a collaborative and empowering relationship where children, teenagers, or adults are encouraged to take an active role in their journey. A creative space offers a safe place for exploration and self-discovery, allowing people to tap into their inherent strengths and resilience.

Creativity promotes holistic wellbeing by honouring the complexity of the human experience and offering diverse pathways for personal transformation and growth. It offers alternative avenues for self-expression when words alone may feel inadequate or limiting.

This workshop, presented by the Laidlaw School of Counselling, will feature three presenters, Jocelyn Weber, Fumiko Goodhue, and Shawnee Kara, who have integrated music therapy, spoken word, and poetry into their professional work.  

If you are interested in creative ways of connecting and sitting with others (and have a little fun yourself!), we encourage you to register for this workshop. 

Join us for tea and coffee from 9:15am. Morning tea provided. Registrations close Thursday 12 September. Please register via the form below.

Where Henderson Campus
When 9:30am - 12:30pm
Cost $10
RSVP Register via form below