Hope 2025

In a world where the toxicity of the contemporary Western church is regularly, and often justifiably highlighted, explore with us how contemporary churches can and should be places of transformation and healing.

Join us for Hope 2025 - a conference where theologians and practitioners can gather together to explore how contemporary churches are and can become flourishing communities. We will look at how God’s specific design for churches is that they are places of hope and restoration; both as overarching communities, and for individuals within these
communities. The conference will undertake a multidisciplinary and practical exploration of how, guided by the Spirit of God, we can positively create and sustain flourishing communities that heal and empower individuals within them. 

Gathering the voices of practitioners, biblical scholars, systematic theologians, practical theologians, counsellors, and sociologists, the conference will discuss, explore, and draw some conclusions about how contemporary Western churches are and can become flourishing communities, which provide health and healing both to the overarching church body and to the individual bodies of which they are comprised.

Take a look at our speaker lineup and register below.

Where Henderson Campus
When 12:30pm - 1:00pm
Cost $240
RSVP Register via the button below

Download a copy of the Event programme, including session abstracts and speaker bios.