Dr Greg Liston Senior Lecturer School of Theology
- BSc (Hons), PhD (Physics), BTheol, PhD (Theology)
- +64 9 837 9751
- [email protected]
Greg is a senior lecturer at Laidlaw College. He teaches primarily in the area of systematic theology. His research interests focus on the role of the Spirit in the life of the church, and exploring how the interaction between science and theology raises fundamental questions about reality and the nature of time. Before taking up his current role, Greg’s journey has included Ph.D.’s in both systematic theology and quantum physics, being the senior pastor of a local Auckland suburban Baptist church, and strategic management consulting. Greg is married to Diane and has two children, Emily and James. He and his family attend Mt Albert Baptist Church.
Third Article Theology: TAT is a relatively recently developed methodology in systematic theology which intentionally views reality through the lens of the Spirit (the third article of the Apostles Creed). Initially, theologians pursuing this approach focused on the development of a Spirit Christology. Following this, TAT has been applied to a variety of other doctrines, including ecclesiology, Scripture, anthropology, and public theology. Greg is currently exploring the application of TAT to the doctrines of eschatology, ecclesiology and missiology.
Science and theology: At its best, systematic theology both addresses the important questions raised by the current context, and frames its answers in a way that is relevant to the current context. The rapidly developing and often intuitively unexpected world of quantum physics has raised scores of questions that theology is still to address. Greg is beginning to explore some of these questions, particularly those that relate to the fundamental nature of reality, relationality and time.
Liston, Gregory J., Kingdom Come: An Eschatological Third Article Ecclesiology. London: T&T Clark, 2022.
Liston, Gregory J., "Spirit, Church and Mission: Toward a Third Article Theology of Ecclesial Mission." Evangelical Quarterly 92 (2021): 21-38.
Liston, Gregory J., "Eschatology and Munus Triplex: The Threefold Anointing of the Spirit in Time." Journal of Reformed Theology14, no. 4 (2020): 323-43.
Liston, Gregory J., "The Church's Journey through Time: Toward a Spirit Eschatology." Pneuma 41 (2019): 43-60.
Liston, Gregory J.,“An Anointed Ministry: Insights for Pastoral Practice from Third Article Theology,” Stimulus 24:3 (2017): 1-7.
Liston, Gregory J., "A ‘Chalcedonian’ Spirit Christology," Irish Theological Quarterly 81 (2016): 75-93.
Liston, Gregory J., “Where the Love of Christ Is Found: Toward a Third Article Ecclesiology.” Pages 321-346 in Third Article Theology: A Pneumatological Dogmatics. Edited by Myk Habets. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2016.
Liston, Gregory J., The Anointed Church: Toward a Third Article Ecclesiology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015.
Liston, Gregory J., "Towards a Pneumato-Ecclesiology: Exploring the Pneumatological Union Between Christ and the Church." Colloquium 44, no. 1 (2012): 31-58.
Liston, Gregory J., "Asking the Big Questions: A Statistical Analysis of Three Missiological Journals." International Bulletin of Missionary Research 34, no. 4 (2010): 215-21.
Liston, Gregory J., S.M. Tan and D.F. Walls, “Quantum dynamics of bouncing atoms in a stable gravitational cavity.” Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Volume 60, Numbers 2-3 (February, 1995): 211-227.
Liston, Gregory J., S.M. Tan, and D.F. Walls, “Effect of spontaneous emission on the atomic modes in a stable gravitational cavity.” Phys. Rev. A 52 (1995): 3057-3073.