Miriam Jessie Fisher Lecturer (Whakapono/Theology and Mātauranga/Education)
- Christchurch Campus
Miriam Jessie is an interdisciplinary Lecturer in the School of Theology and School of Education. She lectures in Reading the Bible, our Postgraduate Certificate in Theology for educators, Formation, and Tūmanako. Miriam Jessie’s first qualifications are in teaching and she has taught in Aotearoa, Australia, and the UK, in state, Christian and Māori contexts. Miriam Jessie is also a textile artist, poet and performer and her research work and outputs reflect these intersections. In teaching Miriam Jessie has taught and offered professional development in the Arts and is an advocate for how the Arts can transform and enhance creativity and classroom practices. She has led and written programmes for schools and churches as well as creating professional development for teachers. Miriam Jessie regularly speaks in a variety of churches and runs leadership and spirituality retreats. She has a passion for the use of te reo me ona tikanga Māori in education and church spaces. Miriam Jessie also helps with signing for worship for the Deaf community at her church.
Miriam Jessie’s research focusses on how creative practice can be formative and transformative and the ways in which the Church can engage with the arts (in the broadest possible ways) in its mission in the world. Her research is primarily focused on the Bible, women, spirituality, theopoetics, and creative practices and expressions, in liturgy and the world. Her outputs intersect academic, spoken word/performance poetry, poetry, and textiles spaces. She passionately advocates for Scripture and the God who meets and hears those on the margin as well as in the main storylines. In 2024 she finished a six-year project hand stitching every word in the Bible that women speak. (https://www.laidlaw.ac.nz/news/2024/8-999-handstitched-words-of-women-from-the-bible/). Miriam Jessie’s outputs and publications occur in journals, conferences, events, and curated art spaces. She has published two books for whānau and tamariki Adventing: A journey to Christmas, a book for families with simple, biblical, and meaningful activities each day of Advent and God’s Great Story: Your Great Story, a picture book for children tracing the narrative arc of Scripture. She regularly preaches in a variety of churches, presents at conferences—most recently the American Academy of Religion—as well as appearing on podcasts, interviews, in art exhibitions, and writes creative liturgies whenever the opportunity arises.
Most recent publication
Miriam Jessie has a great passion for the Church and supporting it as it grows up into Jesus. She has participated in a wide variety of denominations throughout her life and appreciates the ways in which we can learn from and enrich one another’s perspectives and practices. Miriam Jessie is interested in creative theological expression that honours the context of Aotearoa New Zealand, the richness of bicultural partnerships, te reo me ona tikanga Māori, and New Zealand Sign Language and Deaf culture. She enjoys spiritual expression that is contemplative and loudly joyful. She and Mike have been married for 25 years and they have two fantastic sons that they like very much. Miriam Jessie spends her spare time sewing, stitching, reading, writing, and eating dark chocolate. She is a terrible gardener and has little interest in sports. She does however enjoy second hand shopping, baking, and social interactions. Miriam Jessie blogs, infrequently and mainly in poetry and blessings at miriamjessie.com