Rev. Dr Myk Habets Head of Theology | Senior Lecturer (Theology)

  • Henderson Campus

Myk is Senior Lecturer in Theology and Head of the School of Theology at Laidlaw College and has Senior Researcher status with AUT and ACT. He is also a Baptist pastor. Myk lectures in Systematic Theology and Ethics and has lectured at a number of universities and colleges in New Zealand and abroad. He is President of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Associate Editor of Participatio: The Journal of the Thomas Torrance Theological Fellowship, and Co-editor of Re-envisioning Reformed Theology Series (Cascade Books). His work is widely published in international journals, and he has published over twenty-four books, including The Anointed Son and The Progressive Mystery. Myk’s teaching and research centre around constructive contemporary dogmatics and moral theology (ethics). He has a special interest in pneumatology and is a world-leading scholar of Third Article Theology, theosis, Spirit Christology, the theology of Thomas F. Torrance, C.S. Lewis, Evangelical Calvinism, and the theological interpretation of Scripture.

Summary of key research

Myk’s research focuses on modern construals of theology in both their systematic coherence and their contemporary application. He investigates the interplay between theology and ethics, contributing to the fields of moral theology and Reformed, Baptist, and Evangelical theology, and has a deep interest in the doctrines of the Trinity, Christology, and Soteriology. His scholarship bridges academic rigour and practical application, enriching contemporary Christian thought and practice. Myk has published six monographs, eighteen edited works, forty-four book chapters, and thirty-one journal essays. In addition, he regularly publishes more popular works in magazines and is a regular preacher of the Gospel.

Most recent publications

  • Starting with the Spirit: The T&T Clark Introduction to Third Article Theology. London: T&T Clark Bloomsbury, 2024. (With Greg J. Liston)
  • “Deification: Recent Anglican and Protestant Approaches.” Pages 497–521 in The Oxford Handbook of Deification. Edited by Andrew Hofer, Matthew Levering, and Paul Gavrilyuk. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024.
  • “Herman Bavinck’s Rejection of Theosis: An Explanation.” Journal of Reformed Theology 18 (2024): 50–75.
  • “Fat Bodies, Diet Culture, and Human Flourishing: How Did We Get it so Wrong?” Dialog (2024): (With Jennifer Bowden)
  • “Priestly Work or Corporate Sellouts: God, Creation and Order.” Academy of Management Journal Proceedings no. 1 (2024): Spirituality and Nature: Alternative Ontologies to Innovate for the Future. | Academy of Management Proceedings ( (With Peter McGhee)

Personal Bio

Myk is passionate about teaching theology—the great doctrines of the Christian faith, founded in Scripture, forged in tradition, applied to culture, and lived out in experience. This is worked out in two main ways: as an associate Baptist pastor, which involves regular preaching and teaching, and as a lecturer in theology. When not teaching, he can be found preaching around Churches, running seminars, and having fun with his family—mostly at one of the many splendid beaches on Auckland’s North Shore. Among many things, Myk loves sport and motorbikes. He and his wife, Odele, are on staff at Albany Baptist Church and have two adult children. Theology is a vocation, hobby, and passion of Myk’s.

Research areas of specialisation and supervision

  • Trinity/Doctrine of God
  • Pneumatology
  • Moral Theology
  • Third Article Theology and Spirit Christology
  • Soteriology/theosis

Current Thesis Students

  • Lisl Baker, “Dynamic concepts of holistic health from Scripture and theology for interdisciplinary conversation.” BTh (Honours) Research Project.
  • Matthew Hopkins, “The role of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’s self-knowledge.” MTh thesis.
  • Araina Kazia Carr, “Non-Competitive Agency in Sin, Salvation, & Suffering: An Analysis of Human Experience, Behaviour, and Discourse Within NZ Churches.” MTh Thesis.
  • Stephen Fale, “Third Article Theology and a Pneumatologia Crucis.” MTh Thesis.
  • Vinnie Gunn, “A TAT Reading of the Johannine Corpus (excluding Revelation).” MTh Thesis.
  • Isaac MacKenzie, “How can the church’s understanding of Scripture’s inspiration be advanced and strengthened through a non-competitive account of the relationship between divine and human agency?” MTh Thesis.
  • Taulu Shuster, “O A’U, O A’U LAVA (I am who I am): Faith in a NZPI Gen-Z World.” Primary Supervisor: AUT University, PhD.
  • Hazel Tattersall, “The Vicarious Artistry of Christ: A Trinitarian Theology of Art.” Primary Supervisor, AUT University, PhD.
  • Albert Lalramazal, “Indian Embrace of Theosis: A Critical Appraisal of Sadhu Sundar Singh’s Theology of Deification and its Suitability for an Indian Theology.” Primary Supervisor, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, PhD.
  • Jackson Kurian, “A Christological Interpretation of the Doctrine of Spirit Baptism.” Second Supervisor: AUT University, PhD.
  • Chris Sola, “E fofō e le alamea le alamea: The Crown of Thorns Starfish shall heal itself: A study of why the Samoan church is both the problem and the solution for addressing the social and economic disparities facing Samoan people living in Auckland, New Zealand.” Second Supervisor: AUT University, PhD.
  • Jeremy Tattersall, “For All Time: A Temporal Framework for Redemption in Scripture with Third Article Theology.” Second Supervisor, PhD AUT University.

Qualifications & Awards

  • PhD (Theology) Otago University, 2006.
  • GradDipTertTchg - Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Teaching, AUT University, 2002.
  • MTh - Master of Theology (Research) with Merit-highest distinction, BCNZ/Laidlaw College, 2001.
  • BMin - Bachelor of Ministries, BCNZ/Laidlaw College, 1998.