Read articles, and other written resources which can be printed and reproduced.
Post Pentecost Reflection
Clint Ussher
Since Pentecost I’ve been reflecting on Paul’s exhortation to “walk by the
Spirit” (Galatians 5:16). Paul is talking less about the physical act of walking (placing one foot in front of the other) and more about the way in which we conduct our lives. It’s an imperative to surrender the totality of who you are to the power and controlling influence of the Holy Spirit in each and every moment.
Contemporary Issue
Lessons From and For the Church in Covid Times: Looking Back and Forwards
by Lynne Taylor
Lynne Taylor considers lessons from and for the church in times Covid times. After describing her qualitative research, she thoughtfully draws ten conclusions from case studies taken from a range of churches. Some involve us looking back to draw on past strength, remembering and re-enacting shared values, and most importantly, keeping an eye out for and leaning into God. Poignantly, we are challenged to be real about the situation we are in, and to focus on connection, participation, and intimacy. We are reminded to avoid self-recrimination, while dreaming of what could be. This is a must-read for pastors negotiating the challenges of leading communities of faith in this tricky time. A thoughtful and relevant read at this time.
Culture, Media and Faith
Hearts and Minds: Lockdowns, Common Sense and Being Sensible
by Graeme Flett
Graeme Flett mulls over whether there really is any such thing as “common sense” in a digital age. He argues that our senses are in overdrive, that there is too much information to get a reasonable grasp of what is real and trustworthy. Common sensibilities become just opinions. An interesting read that will provoke further thought.
Pastoral Leadership
Pastor as Poet in the Time of the Pandemic: Exploring a Pastoral Image through Amy Plantinga Pauw’s Wisdom Ecclesiology
by Sebastian Murrihy
Sebastian Murrihy, a Presbyterian minister leading a church through
the pandemic. reflects on Amy Plantinga Pauw’s wisdom ecclesiology and
the work of other scholars He considers the role of pastors as poets in
such a time as this. As poet, the pastor or minister is to “draw
attention to God’s movement” and minister as one who “re-shapes the
social imaginary, speaks in a creative tone, and ministers in concrete
reality.” Such a process includes deep engagement with Scripture, the
Spirit, sacred spaces, church, and world, and enables the pastor to be
real and yet creatively re-imagine the given context to draw people toward
God and his vision of life. Pastors, in particular, will be drawn to the
challenge of being truly poetic in a pandemic. An engaging piece for
How Church Can Appeal to Young People: A Critical Comparison. – David Bosma Jul 2019
by David Bosma
Many churches and church leaders are interested in how they can best format their services and overall environment so that they might appeal more to young people.
Discipleship as a “Who” Question: Bonhoeffer on Reading Scripture as the Call of the Present Christ
by Joel Banman
“Christianity without the living Jesus Christ remains necessarily a Christianity without discipleship; and a Christianity without discipleship is always a Christianity without Jesus Christ.”[1]
Making Disciples by Performing Miracles: A Study in Mark
by Jonathan Rivett Robinson
The two principle themes of Mark’s gospel are Christology – the person and identity of Jesus Christ – and discipleship, what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
Reading Culture
Do I choose Joy?
by Peter Jelleyman
By the time For King and Country’s (K&C) song Joy burst onto my screen it had already been on top of LIFE FM’s You Chart for several weeks.
Lament/ worship
by Darlene Adair
“It’s not good news, I’m afraid.”
Lament/ worship
Written Easter Reflections
by various writers
Over this Easter weekend we had some written reflections scheduled to help mark this time - to set it apart from the rest of our ordinary days in lockdown. We also included some music you could listen to as you reflect.